The Liturgy of the Hours
Compiled by Fr. Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.

The Office of Readings: Non-Biblical Second Readings

The following table is in liturgical order. See also the Index of Authors, sorted alphabetically.

NON-BIBLICAL AUTHORS Non-Biblical Readings Vol.Page (USA edition) Liturgical Season, Feast, or Commons
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 15, 1-3 1.142 1st Sunday of Advent
Charles Borromeo Pastoral letter 1.152 1st Week of Advent, Monday
Gregory Nazianzen Discourse 45, 1.161 1st Week of Advent, Tuesday
Bernard, abbot Sermon 5 on Advent 1-3 1.168 1st Week of Advent, Wednesday
Ephrem, deacon On the Diatessaron 18, 15-17 1.176 1st Week of Advent, Thursday
Anselm of Canterbury Proslogium 1 1.184 1st Week of Advent, Friday
Cyprian On the value of patience 13.15 1.192 1st Week of Advent, Saturday
Eusebius of Caesarea On Isaiah 40 1.201 2nd Sunday of Advent
John of the Cross On the ascent of Mount Carmel 2, 22 1.211 2nd Week of Advent, Monday
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 48 1.219 2nd Week of Advent, Tuesday
Augustine On Psalm 110, 1-3 1.227 2nd Week of Advent, Wednesday
Peter Chrysologus Sermon 147 (On love and seeing God) 1.235 2nd Week of Advent, Thursday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 5, 19, 1; 20, 2; 21, 1 1.244 2nd Week of Advent, Friday
Isaac of Stella, abbot Sermon 51 1.251 2nd Week of Advent, Saturday
Augustine Sermon 293, 3 1.261 3rd Sunday of Advent
William of Saint Thierry On contemplating God 9-11 1.271 3rd Week of Advent, Monday
Imitation of Christ Book 2, 2-3 1.279 3rd Week of Advent, Tuesday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 20, 4-5 1.287 3rd Week of Advent, Wednesday
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation 3-4 1.294 3rd Week of Advent, Thursday
Augustine On Psalm 38, 13-14 1.302 3rd Week of Advent , Friday
Leo the Great Letter 31 to Flavianus 2-3 1.320 Dec. 17
Diognetus (Letter to) Letter 8, 5—9, 6 1.328 Dec. 18
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 3, 20, 2-3 1.337 Dec. 19
Bernard, abbot In praise of the Virgin Mother 4, 8-9 1.345 Dec. 20
Ambrose of Milan On the Gospel of Luke 2, 19.22-23.26-27 1.353 Dec. 21
Bede, the Venerable On the Gospel of Luke 1, 46-55 1.362 Dec. 22
Hippolytus Against the heresy of Noetus 9-12 1.370 Dec. 23
Augustine Sermon 185, 1.2.3 1.379 Dec. 24
Leo the Great Sermon on the birth of Christ 1, 1-3 1.404 Dec. 25: Christmas
Paul VI Address at Nazareth, 1964 1.426 Sunday in the Octave of Christmas
Bernard, abbot Sermon 1 on the Epiphany 1-2 1.446 Dec. 29: Octave of Christmas, Fifth Day
Hippolytus On the refutation of all heresies 10, 33-34 1.459 Dec. 30: Octave of Christmas, Sixth Day
Leo the Great Sermon 6, 2-3.5 1.470 Dec. 31: Octave of Christmas, Seventh Day
Athanasius of Alexandria Letter to Epictetus 5-9 1.484 Jan. 1: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Basil the Great On the Holy Spirit 26, 61-64 1.503 From Jan. 2 to Epiphany, Monday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 17, 7-9 1.511 From Jan. 2 to Epiphany, Tuesday
Maximus the Confessor Five Hundred Chapters 1, 8-13 1.519 From Jan. 2 to Epiphany, Wednesday
Augustine Sermon 194, 3-4 1.527 From Jan. 2 to Epiphany, Thursday
Gregory Nazianzen [Cf. pg. 634: Sunday of the Baptism of the Lord] 1.534 From Jan. 2 to Epiphany, Friday
Augustine Sermon 13, On the season 1.541 From Jan. 2 to Epiphany, Saturday
Leo the Great Sermon on the Epiphany 3, 1-3.5 1.560 Jan. 6 or the Sunday between Jan. 2 and 8: Epiphany
Peter Chrysologus Sermon 160 (On the Incarnation & the Epiphany) 1.577 After Epiphany to the Baptism of the Lord, Monday
Hippolytus (Pseudo-) Sermon on the Epiphany 2.6-8.10 1.586 After Epiphany to the Baptism of the Lord, Tuesday
Proclus of Constantinople Discourse 7 on Epiphany 1-3 1.595 After Epiphany to the Baptism of the Lord, Wednesday
Cyril of Alexandria On the Gospel of John 5, 2 1.603 After Epiphany to the Baptism of the Lord, Thursday
Maximus of Turin Sermon 100, 1, 3 1.612 After Epiphany to the Baptism of the Lord, Friday
Faustus of Riez Sermon 5, 2 1.620 After Epiphany to the Baptism of the Lord, Saturday
Gregory Nazianzen Discourse 39, 14-16.20 1.634 Sunday after January 6: Baptism of the Lord
John Chrysostom On the Gospel of John 19, 1 1.1203 & 4.1586 Nov. 30: Andrew, apostle
Francis Xavier Letter to Saint Ignatius 1.1210 Dec. 3: Francis Xavier, priest
John Damascene Explanation of the Faith 1 1.1212 Dec. 4: John Damascene, priest and Dictor
Augustine On the Gospel of John 123, 5 1.1215 Dec. 6: Nicholas, bishop
Ambrose of Milan Letter 2, 1-2.4-5.7 1.1218 Dec. 7: Ambrose, bishop and doctor
Anselm of Canterbury Discourse 52 1.1228 Dec. 8: Immaculate Conception
Augustine Against Faustus 20, 21 1.1237 Dec. 11: Damasus I, pope
Jane Frances de Chantal Life of Jane Frances de Chantal, by de Chaugy 1.1240 Dec. 12: Jane Frances de Chantal, religious
Ambrose of Milan On Virginity 12, 68, 74-75; 13, 77-78 1.1242 Dec. 13: Lucy, virgin and martyr
John of the Cross Spiritual Canticle Red. B, str. 36-37 1.1246 Dec. 14: John of the Cross, priest and doctor
Peter Canisius From his writings 1.1248 Dec. 21: Peter Canasius, priest and doctor
Clement XII Bull on the canonization of Saint John Kanty 1.1250 Dec. 23: John of Kanty, priest
Fulgentius of Ruspe Sermon 3, 1-3.5-6 1.1256 Dec. 26: Stephen, First martyr
Augustine On the first letter of John 1, 1.3 1.1266 Dec. 27: John, apostle and evangelist
Quodvultdeus Sermon 2 on the Creed 1.1273 Dec. 28: Holy Innocents, martyrs
Thomas Becket Letter 74 1.1279 Dec. 29: Thomas Becket, bishop and martyr
Eusebius of Caesarea Ecclesiastical History 10, 1-3 1.1282 Dec. 31: Sylvester I, pope
Gregory Nazianzen Discourse 43, 15-16-17.19-21 1.1285 Jan. 2: Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors
Raymond of Penyafort Letter 1.1288 Jan. 7: Raymond of Penyafort, priest
Origen On the book of Joshua 9, 1-2 1.1304 & 2.1892 & 3.1591 & 4.1605 Common of the Dedication of a Church
Augustine Sermon 336, 1.6 1.1306 & 2.1894 & 3.1593 & 4.1607 Common of the Dedication of a Church, alt.
Sophronius Discourse 2 on the Annunciation 21-22.26 1.1332 & 2.1926 & 3.1621 & 4.1635 Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Aelred of Rievaulx Sermon 20 on the birthday of Mary 1.1334 & 2.1928 & 3.1623 & 4.1637 Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, alt.
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 61-62 1.1335 & 2.1929 & 3.1624 & 4.1638 Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, alt.
Cyprian Letter 6, 1-2 1.1380 & 2.1984 & 3.1686 & 4.1700 Common of Several Martyrs
Augustine Sermon 329, 1.2 1.1406 & 2.2022 & 3.1712 & 4.1726 Common of One Martyr
Leo the Great Sermon on his own birthday 3, 2-3 1.1434 & 2.2060 & 3.1740 & 4.1754 Common of Pastors, for a pope
Hilary of Poitiers On Psalm 127, 7-10 1.1436 & 2.2062 & 3.1741 & 4.1755 Common of Pastors, for the founder of a church
Fulgentius of Ruspe Sermon 1, 2-3 1.1438 & 2.2064 & 3.1743 & 4.1757 Common of Pastors, alt., particularly for a bishop
Second Vatican Council On the Ministry and Life of Priests 3, 12 1.1439 & 2.2066 & 3.1745 & 4.1759 Common of Pastors, for a priest
Second Vatican Council On the Missionary Activity of the Church 4-5 1.1441 & 2.2068 & 3.1747 & 4.1761 Common of Pastors, for a missionary
William of [Saint] Thierry The Mirror of Faith 1.1460 & 2.2090 & 3.1764 & 4.1778 Common of Doctors of the Church
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation 7-8 1.1462 & 2.2092 & 3.1766 & 4.1780 Common of Doctors of the Church, alt.
Cyprian On the dress of virgins 3-4, 22.23 1.1478 & 2.2110 & 3.1782 & 4.1796 Common of Virgins
Second Vatican Council On the Renewal of Religious Life 1.1480 & 2.2112 & 3.1784 & 4.1798 Common of Virgins, alt.
John Chrysostom On the Acts of the Apostles 20, 4 1.1508 & 2.2145 & 3.1811 & 4.1825 Common of Holy Men
Augustine Sermon 96, 1.4.9 1.1510 & 2.2147 & 3.1813 & 4.1827 Common of Holy Men, alt.
Gregory the Great On the Gospels 36, 11-13 1.1556 & 2.2197 & 3.1860 & 4.1874 Common of Saints, for religious
John Chrysostom On the letter to the Romans 15, 6 1.1564 & 2.2206 & 3.1867 & 4.1881 Common of Saints, for those who worked for the underprivileged
John Chrysostom On the Gospel of Matthew 59, 5.7 1.1568 & 2.2210 & 3.1871 & 4.1885 Common of Saints, for teachers
Anastasius of Antioch Discourse 5, On the Resurrection of Christ 6.7-9 1.1584 & 2.2226 & 3.1886 & 4.1900 Office of the Dead
Braulio of Saragossa Letter 19 1.1586 & 2.2228 & 3.1888 & 4.1902 Office of the Dead, alt.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Conference to her spiritual daughters 1.1688 Jan. 4 [USA]: Elizabeth Ann Seton
John Neumann Letter to Cardinal Barnabo 1.1692 Jan. 5 [USA]: John Neumann
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 7:4—8:3; 8:5—9:1; 13:1-4; 19:2 2.51 Ash Wednesday
Leo the Great Sermon on Lent 6, 1-2 2.60 Thursday after Ash Wednesday
John Chrysostom (Pseudo-) Supp., Homily 6 on Prayer 2.68 Friday after Ash Wednesday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 13, 4—14, 1 2.77 Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Augustine On Psalm 60, 2-3 2.87 1st Sunday of Lent
Gregory Nazianzen Discourse 14, 23-25 2.96 1st Week of Lent, Monday
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 1-3 2.104 1st Week of Lent, Tuesday
Aphraates of Persia Demonstration 11, 11-12 2.113 1st Week of Lent, Wednesday
Asterius of Amasea Homily 13 2.122 1st Week of Lent, Thursday
Aelred of Rievaulx The Mirror of Love 3, 5 2.130 1st Week of Lent, Friday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 9-10 2.139 1st Week of Lent, Saturday
Leo the Great Sermon 51, 3-4.8 2.149 2nd Sunday of Lent
John Chrysostom Catecheses 3, 24-27 2.159 2nd Week of Lent, Monday
Augustine On Psalm 140, 4-6 2.168 2nd Week of Lent, Tuesday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 14, 2-3; 15, 1 2.177 2nd Week of Lent, Wednesday
Hilary of Poitiers On Psalm 127, 1-3 2.185 2nd Week of Lent, Thursday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 16, 2-5 2.194 2nd Week of Lent, Friday
Ambrose of Milan On Flight from the World 6, 36; 7, 44; 8, 45; 9, 52 2.203 2nd Week of Lent, Saturday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 15, 10-12.16-17 2.212 3rd Sunday of Lent
Basil the Great Homily 20, 3 2.223 3rd Week of Lent, Monday
Peter Chrysologus Sermon 43 (On prayer, fasting, mercy) 2.231 3rd Week of Lent, Tuesday
Theophilus of Antioch Book addressed to Autolycus 1, 2-7 2.240 3rd Week of Lent, Wednesday
Tertullian On Prayer 28-29 2.249 3rd Week of Lent, Thursday
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 13, 21-23 2.257 3rd Week of Lent, Friday
Gregory Nazianzen Discourse 14, 38.40 2.265 3rd Week of Lent, Saturday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 34, 8-9 2.275 4th Sunday of Lent
Origen On Leviticus 9, 5.10 2.286 4th Week of Lent, Monday
Leo the Great Sermon 10, 3-5 2.295 4th Week of Lent, Tuesday
Maximus the Confessor Letter 11 2.304 4th Week of Lent, Wednesday
Leo the Great Sermon on the Passion 15, 3-4 2.313 4th Week of Lent, Thursday
Athanasius of Alexandria Easter letter 5, 1-2 2.322 4th Week of Lent, Friday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 37-38 2.330 4th Week of Lent, Saturday
Athanasius of Alexandria Easter letter 14, 1-2 2.340 5th Sunday of Lent
John Fisher On Psalm 129 2.350 5th Week of Lent, Monday
Leo the Great Sermon on the Passion 8, 6-8 2.358 5th Week of Lent, Tuesday
Augustine On Psalm 85, 1 2.366 5th Week of Lent, Wednesday
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 9 2.374 5th Week of Lent, Thursday
Fulgentius of Ruspe To Peter on faith 22, 62 2.383 5th Week of Lent, Friday
Gregory Nazianzen Discourse 45, 23-24 2.392 5th Week of Lent, Saturday
Andrew of Crete Discourse 9 (PG 97, 990-994) 2.418 Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday)
Augustine Sermon Guelferbytanus 3 2.432 Holy Week, Monday
Basil the Great On the Holy Spirit 15, 35 2.440 Holy Week, Tuesday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 84, 1-2 2.449 Holy Week, Wednesday
Melito of Sardis Easter homily 65-71 2.458 Holy Thursday
John Chrysostom Catecheses 3, 13-19 2.473 Good Friday
Homilies, anonymous Ancient homily on Holy Saturday 2.496 Holy Saturday
Melito of Sardis Easter homily 2-7, 100-103 2.554 Monday within the Octave of Easter
Anastasius of Antioch Discourse 4, 1-2 2.568 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
Homilies, anonymous Easter homily by an ancient author 35, 6-9 2.582 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
Jerusalem Catecheses Catecheses 21, Mystagogica 2, 4-6 2.596 Thursday within the Octave of Easter
Jerusalem Catecheses Catecheses 21, Mystagogica 3, 1-3 2.608 Friday within the Octave of Easter
Jerusalem Catecheses Catecheses 22, Mystagogica 4, 1.3-6.9 2.621 Saturday within the Octave of Easter
Augustine Sermon 8 for the Easter Octave 1, 4 2.635 Sunday within the Octave of Easter
John Chrysostom (Pseudo-) Easter homily (by Pseudo-Chrysostom) 2.644 2nd Week of Easter, Monday
Fulgentius of Ruspe To Monimus 2, 11-12 2.652 2nd Week of Easter, Tuesday
Leo the Great Sermon on the Passion 12, 3.6-7 2.660 2nd Week of Easter, Wednesday
Gaudentius of Brescia Treatise 2 (CSEL 68, 30-32) 2.669 2nd Week of Easter, Thursday
Theodore the Studite Sermon on the adoration of the cross 2.677 2nd Week of Easter, Friday
Second Vatican Council Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 5-6 2.685 2nd Week of Easter, Saturday
Justin Martyr First apology in defense of the Christians 66-67 2.694 3rd Sunday of Easter
Bede, the Venerable On the first letter of Peter 2 2.704 3rd Week of Easter, Monday
Augustine Sermon 34, 1-3.5-6 2.712 3rd Week of Easter, Tuesday
Justin Martyr First apology in defense of the Christians 61 2.719 3rd Week of Easter, Wednesday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 5, 2, 2-3 2.727 3rd Week of Easter, Thursday
Ephrem, deacon Sermon on our Lord 3-4.9 2.734 3rd Week of Easter, Friday
Cyril of Alexandria On the Gospel of John 4:2 2.743 3rd Week of Easter, Saturday
Gregory the Great On the Gospels 14, 3-6 2.752 4th Sunday of Easter
Basil the Great On the Holy Spirit 15, 35-36 2.762 4th Week of Easter, Monday
Peter Chrysologus Sermon 108 (On the body as a living sacrifice) 2.770 4th Week of Easter, Tuesday
Hilary of Poitiers On the Trinity 8, 13-16 2.778 4th Week of Easter, Wednesday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 65, 1-3 2.788 4th Week of Easter, Thursday
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 36:1-2; 37—38 2.796 4th Week of Easter, Friday
Cyril of Alexandria On the letter to the Romans 15, 7 2.806 4th Week of Easter, Saturday
Maximus of Turin Sermon 53, 1-2.4 2.815 5th Sunday of Easter
Gregory of Nyssa Discourse 1 on the resurrection of Christ 2.825 5th Week of Easter, Monday
Cyril of Alexandria On the Gospel of John 10, 2 2.832 5th Week of Easter, Tuesday
Diognetus (Letter to) Letter 5-6 2.840 5th Week of Easter, Wednesday
Gaudentius of Brescia Treatise 2 (CSEL 68, 26.29-30) 2.849 5th Week of Easter, Thursday
Isaac of Stella, abbot Sermon 42 2.856 5th Week of Easter, Friday
Augustine On Psalm 148, 1-2 2.864 5th Week of Easter, Saturday
Cyril of Alexandria On the second letter to the Corinthians 5:5—6:2 2.873 6th Sunday of Easter
Didymus of Alexandria On the Trinity 2, 12 2.882 6th Week of Easter, Monday
Cyril of Alexandria On the Gospel of John 11, 11 2.889 6th Week of Easter, Tuesday
Leo the Great Sermon on the Ascension 1, 2-4 2.898 6th Week of Easter, Wednesday
Augustine Sermon on the Ascension, Mai 98, 1-2 2.920 Ascension Thursday (or Sunday)
Leo the Great Sermon on the Ascension 2, 1-4 2.937 6th Week of Easter, Friday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 124, 5.7 2.947 6th Week of Easter, Saturday
Gregory of Nyssa On the Song of Songs 15 2.957 7th Sunday of Easter
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 16, 1, 11-12.16 2.966 7th Week of Easter, Monday
Basil the Great On the Holy Spirit 9, 22.23 2.974 7th Week of Easter, Tuesday
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 4 & 12 2.982 7th Week of Easter, Wednesday
Cyril of Alexandria On the Gospel of John 10 2.990 7th Week of Easter, Thursday
Hilary of Poitiers On the Trinity 2, 1, 33.35 2.997 7th Week of Easter, Friday
Homilies, anonymous Sermon of a sixth century African author 8.1-3 2.1005 7th Week of Easter, Saturday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 3, 17, 1-3 2.1025 Pentecost Sunday
Methodius of Sicily Homily on Saint Agatha 2.1661 & 3.1365 Feb. 5: Agatha, virgin & martyr
Paul Miki & Companions (Martyrdom of) History of their martyrdom 14, 109-110 2.1664 & 3.1367 Feb. 6: Paul Miki & Companions, martyrs
Jerome Emiliani Letter to his fellow members 2.1667 & 3.1370 Feb. 8: Jerome Emiliani
Gregory the Great Book of dialogues 2, 33 2.1670 & 3.1372 Feb. 10: Scholastica, virgin
Marie Bernadette Soubirous Letter, 1861 2.1672 & 3.1375 Feb. 11: Our Lady of Lourdes
Anonymous An Old Slavonic Life of Constantine 18 2.1675 & 3.1378 Feb. 14: Cyril, Monk, & Methodius, bishop
Anonymous Servite An account of the origin of the Servite Order 1, 2.1678 & 3.1380 Feb. 17: Seven Founders of the Order of Servites
Peter Damian Letter 8, 6 2.1681 & 3.1383 Feb. 21: Peter Damian, bishop & doctor
Leo the Great Sermon on his own birthday 4, 2-3 2.1687 & 3.1388 Feb. 22: Chair of Peter, apostle
Church of Smyrna Letter from Smyrna on the martyrdom of St. Polycarp 13, 2—15, 3 2.1695 & 3.1396 Feb. 23: Polycarp, bishop & martyr
Anonymous Contemporary of Casimir The Life of Saint Casimir 2-3 2.1698 & 3.1399 Mar. 4: Casimir
Perpetua and Felicity (Martyrdom of) The story of the death of martyrs Perpetua and Felicity 18,20-21 2.1701 & 3.1401 Mar. 7: Perpetua & Felicity, martyrs
John of God Letters, passim 23-24.27 2.1704 & 3.1404 Mar. 8: John of God, religious
Mary Magdalene Anguillaria The Life of Saint Frances of Rome, by M. M. Anguillaria 6-7 2.1707 & 3.1406 Mar. 9: Frances of Rome, religious
Patrick of Ireland The Confession 14-16 2.1710 Mar. 17: Patrick, bishop
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 3, 1-3 2.1713 Mar. 18: Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop & doctor
Bernardine of Siena Sermon 2 2.1721 Mar. 19: Joseph, Husband of Mary
Second Vatican Council On the Pastoral Office of Bishops 12-13.16 2.1730 Mar. 23: Turibius de Mongrovejo, bishop
Leo the Great Letter 28 to Flavianus 3-4 2.1745 Mar. 25: Annunciation
Francis of Paola Letter, 1486 2.1757 Apr. 2: Francis of Paola Hermit
Isidore of Spain Book of Maxims 3, 8-10 2.1760 Apr. 4: Isidore, bishop & doctor
Vincent Ferrer On the Spiritual Life 13 2.1763 Apr. 5: Vincent Ferrer, priest
John Baptist de la Salle Meditation 201 2.1765 Apr. 7: John Baptist de La Salle, priest
Cyprian Letter 58, 8-9.11 2.1768 Apr. 11: Stanislaus, bishop & martyr
Martin I Letter 17 2.1771 Apr. 13: Martin I, pope & martyr
Anselm of Canterbury Proslogium 14.16.26 2.1774 Apr. 21: Anselm, bishop & doctor
Peter Damian Sermon 3 on Saint George 2.1777 Apr. 23: George, martyr
Benedict XIV Eulogy for Saint Fidelis 2.1780 Apr. 24: Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest & martyr
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 1, 10, 1-3 2.1784 Apr. 25: Mark, evangelist
Anonymous, on Peter Chanel Eulogy for Peter Chanel 2.1791 Apr. 28: Peter Chanel, priest & martyr
Catherine of Siena Dialogue on Divine Providence 167 2.1794 Apr. 29: Catherine of Siena, virgin & doctor
Augustine On the Gospel of John 124, 5 2.1796 Apr. 30: Pius V, pope
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 33-34 2.1800 May 1: Joseph the Worker
Athanasius of Alexandria Discourse on the Incarnation of the Word 8-9 2.1808 May 2: Athnasius, bishop & doctor
Tertullian On the Prescription of Heretics 20, 1-9; 21, 3; 22, 8-10 2.1810 May 3: Philip & James, apostles
Augustine On Psalm 61, 4 2.1817 & 3.1410 May 12: Nereus & Achilleus, martyrs
Bernard, abbot Sermon 17, 4.6, on Psalm 91 2.1820 & 3.1412 May 12: Pancras, martyr
John Chrysostom On the Acts of the Apostles 3, 1.2.3 2.1822 & 3.1415 May 14: Matthias, apostle
John of Avila Letter to his friends 58 2.1826 & 3.1418 May 18: John I, pope & martyr
Bernardine of Siena Sermon 49, 2 2.1828 & 3.1421 May 20: Bernardine of Siena, priest
Cuthbert From a letter on the death of Bede, the Venerable 4-6 2.1831 & 3.1423 May 25: Venerable Bede, priest & doctor
Gregory VII Letter 64 2.1834 & 3.1426 May 25: Gregory VII, pope
Mary Magdalene de Pazzi On Revelation and On Trials III, 186.264; IV, 716 2.1836 & 3.1428 May 25: Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin
Augustine Sermon 171, 1-3.5 2.1839 & 3.1431 May 26: Philip Neri, priest
Gregory the Great Letter 9, 36 2.1841 & 3.1434 May 27: Augustine of Canterbury, bishop
Bede, the Venerable Homily 4 2.1846 & 3.1438 May 31: Visitation
Justin Martyr (Martyrdom of) Acts of the martyrdom of Saint Justin Martyr 1-5 2.1854 & 3.1447 June 1: Justin, martyr
Origen Exhortation to Martyrdom 41-42 2.1858 & 3.1450 June 2: Marcellinus & Peter, martyrs
Paul VI Homily at the canonization of the martyrs of Uganda 2.1860 & 3.1453 June 3: Charles Lwanga & Companions, martyrs
Boniface Letter 78 2.1863 & 3.1455 June 5: Boniface, bishop & martyr
Anonymous, on Norbert The Life of Saint Norbert 2.1866 & 3.1458 June 6: Norbert, bishop
Ephrem, deacon Sermon 3, 2.4-5 2.1868 & 3.1460 June 9: Ephrem, Deacon & doctor
Chromatius of Aquileia On the Gospel of Matthew 5, 1.3-4 2.1871 & 3.1463 June 11: Barnabas, apostle
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 59, 2—60, 4; 61, 3 3.54 1st Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Basil the Great Detailed Rules for Monks 3.58 1st Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 6, 3.62 1st Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Athanasius of Alexandria Against the Pagans 40-42 3.67 1st Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Athanasius of Alexandria Against the Pagans 42-43 3.71 1st Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 31-33 3.75 1st Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Ephesians 2, 2—5, 2 3.80 2nd Sunday in Ord. Time
Ignatius of Antioch To the Ephesians 13—18, 1 3.84 2nd Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 49-50 3.88 2nd Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 2.16 3.91 2nd Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Fulgentius of Ruspe Letter 14, 36-37 3.96 2nd Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Diadochus of Photice On Spiritual Perfection 12.13.14 3.100 2nd Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 18, 1-2.4.5 3.105 2nd Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Second Vatican Council Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 7-8.106 3.110 3rd Sunday in Ord. Time
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 48 3.116 3rd Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Basil the Great Detailed Rules for Monks 3.120 3rd Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Bernard, abbot On the Song of Songs 61, 3-5 3.125 3rd Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
John the Serene Sermon 7 3.129 3rd Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
John Fisher On Psalm 102 3.133 3rd Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 18.22 3.135 3rd Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Church of Smyrna 1—4, 1 3.142 4th Sunday in Ord. Time
Hilary of Poitiers On Psalm 133 3.147 4th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 3, 19, 1.3—20, 1 3.150 4th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Diadochus of Photice On Spiritual Perfection 3.154 4th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 13, 3.157 4th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Homilies, anonymous Of a fourth century author 18, 7-11 3.161 4th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 35-36 3.165 4th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine On the letter to the Galatians, Preface 3.169 5th Sunday in Ord. Time
Bonaventure Breviloquium, Prologue 3.174 5th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Origen On Genesis 8, 6.8.9 3.179 5th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Ambrose of Milan Letter 35, 4-6.13 3.183 5th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Augustine On the letter to the Galatians, 37.38 3.187 5th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Leo the Great Sermon on the birth of Christ 7, 2.6 3.191 5th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Isaac of Stella, abbot Sermon 31 3.195 5th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Ephrem, deacon On the Diatessaron 1, 18-19 3.199 6th Sunday in Ord. Time
Bernard, abbot Sermon 15 of the occasional sermons 3.203 6th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Athanasius of Alexandria Against the Arians 2, 78.81-82 3.207 6th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Procopius of Gaza On the book of Proverbs 9 3.211 6th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 37, 65-66 3.215 6th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Augustine On the first letter of John 4 3.219 6th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 48 3.224 6th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Maximus the Confessor Chapters on Charity 1, 4-5.16-17.23-24.26-28.30-40 3.229 7th Sunday in Ord. Time
Gregory of Nyssa On Ecclesiastes 5 3.234 7th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Gregory of Nyssa On Ecclesiastes 6 3.237 7th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Jerome On Ecclesiastes 3.241 7th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Columban, abbot Instruction 1, 3-5 3.246 7th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Gregory of Agrigentum On Ecclesiastes 8, 6 3.251 7th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Gregory of Agrigentum On Ecclesiastes 10, 2 3.255 7th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 1, 2.36 3.260 8th Sunday in Ord. Time
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 3, 15-16 3.264 8th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Augustine The Confessions 10, 1, 1—2, 2; 5, 7 3.268 8th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Augustine The Confessions 10, 26.37—29, 40 3.273 8th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 10, 7-8.10 3.277 8th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 10, 47-48 3.281 8th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Zeno of Verona Treatise 15, 2 3.285 8th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine The Confessions 1, 1—2, 2.5, 5 3.290 9th Sunday in Ord. Time
Dorotheus Teaching 7, 1-2 3.295 9th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Dorotheus Teaching 13, 2-3 3.299 9th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 23, 23-24 3.303 9th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 29, 2-4 3.308 9th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Baldwin of Canterbury Sermon 6 (PL 204, 466-67) 3.312 9th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Thomas Aquinas On the Gospel of John 14, 2 3.315 9th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Romans 1, 1—2, 2 3.320 9th Sunday in Ord. Time
Ignatius of Antioch To the Romans 3, 1-5, 3 3.324 10th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Romans 6, 1—9, 3 3.329 10th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Origen On the book of Joshua 4, 1 3.333 10th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Origen On the book of Joshua 6, 4 3.338 10th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 1, 4.7-8 3.342 10th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 1, 9-12 3.347 10th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 4-6 3.352 11th Sunday in Ord. Time
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 8-9 3.358 11th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 11-12 3.362 11th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 13-15 3.367 11th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 18.22 3.371 11th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 23-24 3.376 11th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Cyprian On the Lord’s Prayer 28-30 3.381 11th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Faustus Luciferanus On the Trinity 39-40 3.386 12th Sunday in Ord. Time
Gregory of Nyssa On Christian Perfection (PG 46, 254-255) 3.391 12th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Gregory of Nyssa On Christian Perfection (PG 46, 283-286) 3.395 12th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Aelred of Rievaulx On Spiritual Friendship 3.399 12th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Gregory of Nyssa

Discourse 6 on the Beatitudes (PG 44, 1263-66)

3.403 12th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Gregory of Nyssa

Discourse 6 on the Beatitudes (PG 44, 1266-67)

3.407 12th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Gregory of Nyssa

Discourse 6 on the Beatitudes (PG 44, 1270-71)

3.412 12th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Paul VI Homily at Manila, 1970 3.418 13th Sunday in Ord. Time
Augustine Sermon 47 On God’s flock 3.422 13th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Augustine Sermon 47, 12-14 3.426 13th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Teresa of Avila The Way of Perfection 30, 1-4 3.431 13th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Jerome On Psalm 42 3.435 13th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Augustine On the predestination of the saints 3.440 13th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 1, 2-3.5-6 3.444 13th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine Sermon 19, 2-3 3.450 14th Sunday in Ord. Time
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 46, 2—47, 4; 48, 1-6 3.455 14th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Augustine On Psalm 33, 29 3.460 14th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Teaching of the Twelve Apostles Didache 9, 1—10, 6; 14, 1-3 3.464 14th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 119, 12, 13-14 3.468 14th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 50, 1—51, 3; 55, 1-4 3.473 14th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Augustine On Psalm 127, 2 3.477 14th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Ambrose of Milan On the Mysteries 1-7 3.482 15th Sunday in Ord. Time
Ambrose of Milan On the Mysteries 8-11 3.487 15th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Ambrose of Milan On the Mysteries 12-16.19 3.491 15th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Ambrose of Milan On the Mysteries 19-21.24.26-28 3.496 15th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Ambrose of Milan On the Mysteries 29-30.34-35.37.42 3.502 15th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Ambrose of Milan On the Mysteries 43.47-49 3.506 15th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Ambrose of Milan On the Mysteries 52-54.58 3.510 15th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Magnesians 1, 1—5, 2 3.516 16th Sunday in Ord. Time
Ignatius of Antioch To the Magnesians 6, 1—9, 2 3.520 16th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Magnesians 10, 1-15 3.523 16th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Imitation of Christ Book 2, 1-6 3.527 16th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 44, 89-90 3.531 16th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Augustine The Confessions 10, 43, 68-70 3.535 16th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
John Chrysostom On the second letter to the Corinthians 13, 1-2 3.538 16th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
John Chrysostom On the second letter to the Corinthians 14, 1-2 3.543 17th Sunday in Ord. Time
Caesarius of Arles Sermon 25, 1 3.547 17th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Basil the Great Homily 6, 3.6 3.551 17th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 18, 23-25 3.555 17th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 18, 26-29 3.560 17th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Ignatius of Antioch To Polycarp 1, 1—4, 3 3.563 17th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Ignatius of Antioch To Polycarp 5, 1—8, 1.3 3.568 17th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Athanasius of Alexandria Letter to Serapion 1, 28-30 3.582 Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday
Thomas Aquinas A work on the feast of Corpus Christi 3.610 Thursday (or Sunday) after Trinity Sunday: Corpus Christi
Bonaventure On the tree of life 3.634 Friday after the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost: Sacred Heart
Hilary of Poitiers On the Trinity 1, 37-38 3.1301 Jan. 13: Hilary, bishop & doctor
Athanasius of Alexandria The Life of Saint Anthony 2-4 3.1304 Jan. 17: Anthony, abbot
Cyprian Letter 9, 1; 8, 2-3 3.1306 Jan. 20: Fabian, pope & martyr
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 119, 43-45.48 3.1308 Jan. 20: Sebastian, pope & martyr
Ambrose of Milan On Virgins 1, 2.5.7-9 3.1310 Jan. 21: Agnes, virgin & martyr
Augustine Sermon 276, 1-2 3.1315 Jan. 22: Vincent, Deacon & martyr
Francis de Sales Introduction to the Devout Life 3.1317 Jan. 24: Francis de Sales, bishop & doctor
John Chrysostom

Homily 2, In praise of Saint Paul (PG 50, 477-480)

3.1322 Jan. 25: Conversion of Paul, apostle
John Chrysostom

Homily 2, In praise of Saint Paul  (PG 50, 480-484)

3.1329 Jan. 26: Timothy & Titus, bishops
Angela Merici Spiritual testament 3.1332 Jan. 27: Angela Merici, virgin
Thomas Aquinas Conference 6 on the Creed 3.1335 Jan. 28: Thomas Aquinas, priest & doctor
John Bosco Letter 4, 201-203 3.1337 Jan. 31: John Bosco, priest
Sophronius Discourse 3 on the presentation 6.7 3.1350 Feb. 2: Presentation of the Lord
Augustine Sermon Guelferbytanus 32 3.1360 Feb. 3: Blase, bishop & martyr
Second Vatican Council On the Missionary Activity of the Church 23-24 3.1362 Feb. 3: Ansgar, bishop & martyr
Lawrence Justinian Sermon 8 on the purification of Mary 3.1444 Sat. after the 2nd Sun. after Pentecost: Immaculate Heart of Mary
Anthony of Padua Sermon 1, 226 3.1470 June 13: Anthony of Padua, priest & doctor
Peter Damian The Life of Saint Romuald 31.69 3.1472 June 19: Romuald, abbot
Aloysius Gonzaga From a letter to his mother 3.1474 June 21: Aloysius Gonzaga, religious
Paulinus of Nola Letter 3 to Alypius 1.5.6 3.1477 June 22: Paulinus of Nola, bishop
Thomas More Letter to his daughter 3.1479 June 22: John Fisher, bishop & martyr, & Thomas More, martyr
Augustine Sermon 293, 1-3 3.1487 June 24: Birth of John the Baptist
Cyril of Alexandria Letter 1 3.1496 June 27: Cyril of Alexandria, bishop of doctor
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 20, 5-7 3.1498 June 28: Irenaeus, bishop & martyr
Augustine Sermon 295, 1-2.4.7-8 3.1505 June 29: Peter & Paul, apostles
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 5, 1—7, 4 3.1513 June 30: First martyrs of the Church of Rome
Gregory the Great On the Gospels 26, 7-9 3.1516 July 3: Thomas, apostle
Peter Chrysologus Sermon “On peace” 3.1521 July 4: Elizabeth of Portugal
Anthony Zaccaria Sermon to his fellow members 3.1523 July 5: Anthony Zaccaria, priest
Pius XII Homily at the canonization of Saint Maria Goretti 3.1525 July 6: Maria Goretti, virgin & martyr
Benedict, abbot The Rule of Benedict, Prologue 72 3.1528 July 11: Benedict, abbot
Henry The Life of Saint Henry 3.1531 July 13: Henry
Camillus of Lellis The Life of Saint Camillus, by S. Cicatelli 3.1533 July 14: Camillus de Lellis, priest
Bonaventure On the Journey of the Mind to God 7, 3.1535 July 15: Bonaventure, bishop & doctor
Leo the Great Sermon on the birth of Christ 1, 2.3 3.1536 July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Lawrence of Brindisi Sermon on Lent 2, 48.50.52 3.1541 July 21: Lawrence of Brindisi, priest & doctor
Gregory the Great On the Gospels 25, 1-2.4-5 3.1543 July 22: Mary Magdalene
Bridget Book of prayers 2, 2 3.1548 July 23: Bridget, religious
John Chrysostom On the Gospel of Matthew 65, 2-4 3.1551 July 25: James, apostle
John Damascene Discourse 6 on the birthday of Mary 3.1556 July 26: Joachim & Ann, Parents of Mary
Augustine Sermon 103, 1-2.6 3.1560 July 29: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus
Peter Chrysologus Sermon 148 (On Christ’s Incarnation) 3.1563 July 30: Peter Chrysologus, bishop & doctor
Ignatius of Loyola Life of St. Ignatius of Loyola in his own words, by L. Gonzalez 1, 5-9 3.1563 July 31: Ignatius of Loyola, priest
Alphonsus Liguori On the practice of loving Jesus Christ 3.1568 & 4.1264 Aug. 1: Alphonsus Ligouri, bishop & doctor
Eusebius of Vercelli Letter 2, 1.3—2, 3; 10, 1—11, 1 3.1570 & 4.1266 Aug. 2: Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop
John Vianney Catechism 87-89 3.1572 & 4.1269 Aug. 4: John Vianney, priest
Cyril of Alexandria Homily 4 delivered at the Council of Ephesus 3.1575 & 4.1271 Aug. 5: Dedication of St. Mary Major
Proclus of Constantinople Sermon on the Lord’s Birth 1-2 3.1642 & 4.1656 Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Guerric of Igny Sermon 1 on the Assumption 3.1644 & 4.1658 Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, alt.
John Chrysostom On the grave and the cross 2 3.1646 & 4.1660 Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, alt.
Second Vatican Council Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 63-65 3.1648 & 4.1662 Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, alt.
Barnabas (Letter attributed to) Letter 1, 1-8; 2, 1-5 4.56 18th Sunday in Ord. Time
Barnabas (Letter attributed to) Letter 2, 6-10; 3, 1.3; 4, 10-14 4.61 18th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Barnabas (Letter attributed to) Letter 5, 1-8; 6, 11-16  4.65 18th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Barnabas (Letter attributed to) Letter 19, 1-3.5-7.8-12 4.71 18th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Baldwin, bishop of Canterbury Treatise 10 (PL 204513-14, 516) 4.75 18th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
John of the Cross Spiritual Canticle Red. A, str. 38 4.80 18th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Irenaeus of Lyons Against Heresies 4, 17, 4-6 4.85 18th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Catherine of Siena Dialogue: On Divine Providence 4, 13  4.90 19th Sunday in Ord. Time
Theodoret of Cyr On the Incarnation 26-27 4.94 19th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Theodoret of Cyr On the Incarnation 28 4.98 19th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Augustine On Psalm 48, 7 4.102 19th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Gregory of Nyssa On Christian Perfection (PG 46, 259-262) 4.106 19th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Pacian of Barcelona On Baptism 5-6 4.110 19th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Pacian of Barcelona On Baptism 6-7 4.115 19th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
John Chrysostom On the Gospel of Matthew 15, 6.7 4.120 20th Sunday in Ord. Time
Gregory the Great Moral Reflections on Job 3, 39-40 4.125 20th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Bernard, abbot In praise of the Virgin Mother 2, 1-2.4 4.129 20th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Augustine Sermon Caillau-Saint Yves 2, 92 4.133 20th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Baldwin of Canterbury Treatise 7: On the Hail Mary (PL 204, 477-78) 4.138 20th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 48, 13-14 4.143 20th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 48, 14-15 4.147 20th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 39 4.153 21st Sunday in Ord. Time
Thomas Aquinas On the Gospel of John 10, 3 4.157 21st Week in Ord. Time, Monday
John Chrysostom On the devil as tempter 2, 6 4.162 21st Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Columban, abbot On Christ the font of life: Instruction 13, 1-2 4.167 21st Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Columban, abbot On Christ the font of life: Instruction 13, 2-3 4.172 21st Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Jerome On Joel 4.177 21st Week in Ord. Time, Friday
John Chrysostom On the Gospel of Matthew 50, 3-4 4.182 21st Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine Sermon 23A, 1-4 4.188 22nd Sunday in Ord. Time
Imitation of Christ Book 3, 3 4.193 22nd Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Imitation of Christ Book 3, 14-15 4.198 22nd Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Origen On the Gospel of John 10, 20 4.201 22nd Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Leo the Great Sermon 95 on the Beatitudes 1-2 4.205 22nd Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Leo the Great Sermon 95, 2-3 4.210 22nd Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Leo the Great Sermon 95, 4-6 4.215 22nd Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Leo the Great Sermon 95, 6-8 4.220 23rd Sunday in Ord. Time
Leo the Great Sermon 95, 8-9 4.225 23rd Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Bernard, abbot Sermon 5 of the Occasional Sermons 1-4 4.230 23rd Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Bernard, abbot Sermon 5 of the Occasional Sermons 4-5 4.235 23rd Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Bruno the Carthusian On Psalm 84 4.240 23rd Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Isaac of Stella, abbot Sermon 11 4.245 23rd Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Athanasius of Alexandria Discourse on the Incarnation of the Word 10 4.249 23rd Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 1-2 4.254 24th Sunday in Ord. Time
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 3-4 4.258 24th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 4-5 4.263 24th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 6-7 4.267 24th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 9 4.271 24th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 10-11 4.275 24th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 11-12 4.280 24th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 13 4.285 25th Sunday in Ord. Time
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 14-15 4.290 25th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 18-19 4.294 25th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 20-21 4.298 25th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 24-25.27 4.302 25th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Augustine Sermon 46, On Pastors, 29-30 4.306 25th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Hilary of Poitiers On Psalm 65, 14-15 4.311 25th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Polycarp of Smyrna To the Philippians 1, 1—2, 3 4.314 26th Sunday in Ord. Time
Polycarp of Smyrna To the Philippians 3, 1—5, 2 4.318 26th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Polycarp of Smyrna To the Philippians 6, 1—8, 2 4.322 26th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Polycarp of Smyrna To the Philippians 9, 1—11, 4 4.326 26th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Polycarp of Smyrna To the Philippians 12, 1—14 4.330 26th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Ambrose (Pseudo-) On the letter to the Philippians 4.334 26th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Gregory of Nyssa On Christian Formation (PG 46, 295-298) 4.337 26th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Gregory the Great Pastoral Guide 2, 4 4.342 27th Sunday in Ord. Time
Ambrose of Milan On Cain and Abel 1, 9, 34.38-39 4.346 27th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Trallians 1, 1—3, 2; 4, 1-2; 6, 1; 7, 1—8, 1 4.350 27th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Trallians 8, 1—9, 2; 11, 1—13, 3 4.355 27th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Ignatius of Antioch To the Philadelphians 1, 1—2, 1; 3, 2-5 4.359 27th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Vincent of Lerins First instruction 23 4.363 27th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Gregory the Great On the Gospels 17, 3.14 4.367 27th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Cyril of Alexandria On Haggai 14 4.373 28th Sunday in Ord. Time
Fulgentius of Ruspe Against Fabianus 28, 16-19 4.378 28th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Columban, abbot Instruction 12, 2-3 4.382 28th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Maximus the Confessor An inquiry addressed to Thalassius 4.386 28th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 26, 4-6 4.391 28th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Augustine The City of God 10, 6 4.397 28th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 40.45 4.403 28th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine Letter 130 to Proba 8, 15.17—9, 18 4.407 29th Sunday in Ord. Time
Augustine Letter 130 to Proba 9, 18—10, 20 4.412 29th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Augustine Letter 130 to Proba 11, 21—12, 22 4.416 29th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Augustine Letter 130 to Proba 12, 22—13, 24 4.421 29th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Augustine Letter 130 to Proba 14, 25-26 4.425 29th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Augustine Letter 130 to Proba 14, 27—15, 28 4.429 29th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Peter Chrysologus Sermon 117 (On the Incarnation of the Word) 4.434 29th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 19, 2—20, 12 4.439 30th Sunday in Ord. Time
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 21, 1—22, 5; 23, 1-2 4.443 30th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 24, 1-5; 27, 1—29, 1 4.448 30th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 30, 3-4; 34, 2—35, 5 4.452 30th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Athanasius of Alexandria Against the Arians 2, 78.79 4.456 30th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Baldwin of Canterbury Treatise 6 (PL 204, 451-53) 4.461 30th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Catherine of Siena Dialogue on Divine Providence 134 4.465 30th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 78 4.470 31st Sunday in Ord. Time
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 82-83 4.475 31st Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 88-90 4.479 31st Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 5, 10-11 4.484 31st Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical instruction 5, 12-13 4.488 31st Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Gregory Nazianzen Discourse 7, 23-24 4.492 31st Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Ambrose of Milan On death as a blessing 3, 9; 4, 15 4.497 31st Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Homilies, anonymous Of a second century author 1, 1—2, 7  4.502 32nd Sunday in Ord. Time
Homilies, anonymous Of a second century author 3, 1—4, 5; 7, 1-6  4.508 32nd Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Homilies, anonymous Of a second century author 8, 1—9, 11 4.512 32nd Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Homilies, anonymous Of a second century author 10, 1—12, 1; 13, 1  4.516 32nd Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Homilies, anonymous Of a second century author 13, 2—14, 5 4.520 32nd Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Homilies, anonymous Of a second century author 15, 1—17, 2 4.525 32nd Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Homilies, anonymous Of a second century author 18, 1—20, 5 4.529 32nd Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Augustine On Psalm 96, 14.15 4.534 33rd Sunday in Ord. Time
Fulgentius of Ruspe On Forgiveness 2, 11, 2—12, 1.3-4 4.540 33rd Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Andrew of Crete Discourse 9 (PG 97 1002) 4.545 33rd Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Augustine Sermon 21, 1-4 4.550 33rd Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
Gregory of Nyssa On the Song of Songs 2 4.555 33rd Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
John Eudes On the Kingdom of Jesus 4.559 33rd Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Thomas Aquinas Conference 6 on the Creed 4.563 33rd Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Origen On Prayer 25 4.576 34th Sunday in Ord. Time
Leo the Great Sermon 92, 1.2.3  4.588 34th Week in Ord. Time, Monday
Augustine On the Gospel of John 35, 8-9 4.591 34th Week in Ord. Time, Tuesday
Macarius Homily 28 4.595 34th Week in Ord. Time, Wednesday
John Chrysostom On the Gospel of Matthew 33, 1.2 4.599 34th Week in Ord. Time, Thursday
Cyprian On man's mortality 18.24.26 4.603 34th Week in Ord. Time, Friday
Augustine Sermon 256, 1.2.3 4.608 34th Week in Ord. Time, Saturday
Anastasius of Sinai Sermon on the transfiguration of the Lord 6-10 4.1285 Aug. 6: Transfiguration
Cyprian Letter 80 4.1296 Aug. 7: Sixtus II, pope & martyr, & Companions, martyrs
Cajetan Letter to Elizabeth Porto 4.1299 Aug. 7: Cajetan, priest
Dominic Various writings on the history of the Order of Preachers 4.1301 Aug. 8: Dominic, priest
Augustine Sermon 304, 1-4 4.1305 Aug. 10: Lawrence, Deacon & martyr
Clare of Assisi Letter to Blessed Agnes of Prague 4.1310 Aug. 11: Clare, virgin
Cyprian Letter 10, 2-3.5 4.1313 Aug. 13: Pontian, pope & martyr, & Hippolytus, priest & martyr
Pius XII Apostolic Constitution "Munificentissimus Deus" 4.1320 Aug. 15: Assumption
Stephen of Hungary Admonitions to his son 1.2.10 4.1328 Aug. 16: Stephen of Hungary
John Eudes On the admirable Heart of Jesus 1, 5  4.1331 Aug. 19: John Eudes, priest
Bernard, abbot On the Song of Songs 83, 4-6 4.1333 Aug. 20: Bernard, abbot & doctor
Pius X Apostolic Constitution "Divino afflatu" 4.1336 Aug. 21: Pius X, pope
Amadeus of Lausanne Homily on Mary 7 4.1338 Aug. 22: Queenship of Mary
Rose of Lima Letter to a doctor at Castille 4.1342 Aug. 23: Rose of Lima, virgin
John Chrysostom On the first letter to the Corinthians 4, 3.4 4.1344 Aug. 24: Bartholomew, apostle
Louis of France Spiritual testament to his son 4.1347 Aug. 25: Louis
Joseph Calasanz The writings, passim  4.1349 Aug. 25: Joseph Calasanz, priest
Augustine The Confessions 9, 10-11 4.1352 Aug. 27: Monica
Augustine The Confessions 7, 10.18; 10, 27 4.1355 Aug. 28: Augustine, bishop & doctor
Bede, the Venerable Homily 23 4.1358 Aug. 29: Beheading of John the Baptist, martyr
Gregory the Great On Ezekiel 1, 11, 4-6 4.1365 Sept. 3: Gregory the Great, pope & doctor
Andrew of Crete Discourse 1 4.1370 Sept. 8: Birth of Mary
John Chrysostom Homily before his exile 1-3  4.1377 Sept. 13: John Chrysostom, bishop & doctor
Andrew of Crete Discourse 10 4.1389 Sept. 14: Triumph of the Cross
Bernard, abbot Sermon on the Sunday within the octave of the Assumption 14-15 4.1401 Sept. 15: Our Lady of Sorrows
Cyprian Letter 60, 1-2.5 4.1406 Sept. 16: Cornelius, pope & martyr, & Cyprian, bishop & martyr
Cyprian Proconsular Acts of the martyrdom of Saint Cyprian 4.1408 Sept. 16: Cornelius, pope & martyr, & Cyprian, bishop & martyr, alt.
Robert Bellarmine On the Ascent of the Mind to God, grad. 1 4.1411 Sept. 17: Robert Bellarmine, bishop & doctor
Augustine Sermon 340, 1 4.1414 Sept. 19: Januarius, bishop & martyr
Bede, the Venerable Homily 21 4.1418 Sept. 21: Matthew, apostle & evangelist
Augustine Sermon 329, 1-2 4.1421 Sept. 26: Cosmas & Damian, martyrs
Vincent de Paul Writings: Letter 2546 4.1424 Sept. 27: Vincent de Paul, priest
Wenceslaus First old Slavic legend 4.1427 Sept. 28: Wenceslaus, martyr
Gregory the Great On the Gospels 34, 8-9 4.1435 Sept. 29: Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael, Archangels
Jerome Prologue of the commentary on Isaiah 1.2 4.1447 Sept. 30: Jerome, priest & doctor
Theresa of the Child Jesus The Autobiography 4.1450 Oct. 1: Theresa of the Child Jesus, virgin
Bernard, abbot On Psalm 91, 12, 3.6-8 4.1453 Oct. 2: Guardian Angels
Francis of Assisi Letter written to all the faithful 4.1465 Oct. 4: Francis of Assisi
Bruno the Carthusian Letter to his Carthusian sons 1-3 4.1468 Oct. 6: Bruno, priest
Bernard, abbot Sermon on the Aqueduct 4.1470 Oct. 7: Our Lady of the Rosary
Ambrose of Milan On the Psalms 20, 47-50 4.1475 Oct. 9: Denis, bishop & martyr, & Companions, martyrs
John Leonardi Letter to Paul V  4.1478 Oct. 9: John Leonardi, priest
Cyprian To Fortunatus 13 4.1480 Oct. 14: Callistus I, pope & martyr
Teresa of Avila The Book of Life 22, 6-7.14 4.1483 Oct. 15: Teresa of Avila, virgin & doctor
Hedwig The Life of Saint Hedwig 4.1485 Oct. 16: Hedwig, religious
Margaret Mary Alacoque From the letters 4.1487 Oct. 16: Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin
Ignatius of Antioch To the Romans 4, 1-2; 6, 1—8, 3  4.1490 Oct. 17: Ignatius of Antioch, bishop & martyr
Gregory the Great On the Gospels 17, 1-3 4.1495 Oct. 18: Luke, evangelist
Paul of the Cross Letter 1, 43 4.1505 Oct. 19: Paul of the Cross, priest
John of Capistrano On the Mirror of the Clergy 4.1507 Oct. 23: John of Capistrano, priest
Anthony Claret L'Egoismo vinto 4.1510 Oct. 24: Anthony Claret, bishop
Cyril of Alexandria On the Gospel of John 12, 1 4.1512 Oct. 28: Simon & Jude, apostles
Bernard, abbot Sermon 2 4.1526 Nov. 1: All Saints
Ambrose of Milan On the death of his brother 2 4.1538 Nov. 2: All Souls
John XXIII Homily at the Canonization of Saint Martin de Porres 4.1541 Nov. 3: Martin de Porres, religious
Charles Borromeo Sermon given at his last synod 4.1544 Nov. 4: Charles Borromeo, bishop
Caesarius of Arles Sermon 229, 1-3 4.1546 Nov. 9: Dedication of St. John Lateran
Leo the Great Sermon 4,1-2 4.1549 Nov. 10: Leo the Great, pope & doctor
Sulpicius Severus Letter 3 4.1552 Nov. 11: Martin of Tours, bishop
Pius XI Encyclical Letter "Ecclesiam Dei" 4.1557 Nov. 12: Josaphat, bishop & martyr
Albert the Great On the Gospel of Luke 22, 19 4.1559 Nov. 15: Albert the Great, bishop & doctor
Second Vatican Council Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 48 4.1562 Nov. 16: Margaret of Scotland
Gertrude Revelations 2, 23, 1.3-5.8.10 4.1564 Nov. 16: Gertrude, virgin
Conrad of Marburg Letter in the year 1232 4.1567 Nov. 17: Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
Leo the Great Sermon 82 on the feast of the apostles, Peter and Paul 4.1570 Nov. 18: Dedication of the Churches of Peter & Paul, apostles
Augustine Sermon 25, 7-8 4.1572 Nov. 21: Presentation of Mary
Augustine On Psalm 33, 7-8 4.1576 Nov. 22: Cecilia, virgin & martyr
Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians 4.1579 Nov. 23: Clement I, pope & martyr
Columban, abbot Instruction 11, 1-2 4.1581 Nov. 23: Columban, abbot
Peter Claver Letter to his superior  4.2016 Sept. 9 [USA]: Peter Claver, priest
John de Brebeuf Spiritual Diaries 1503 4.2020 Oct. 19 [USA]: Isaac Jogues & John de Brebeuf, priests & martyrs, & Companions, martyrs
Pius XII Homily at the Canonization of Frances Xavier Cabrini 4.2022 Nov. 13 [USA]: Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin


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